Our materials testing laboratory in San Leandro, as well as our soils labs in San Jose and Diablo Valley, give Testing Engineers an unparalleled ability to provide accurate, timely answers to your materials testing questions. Whether it is quality assurance testing of reinforcing steel for a major construction project, or legal discovery documenting the strength of plastic wrap, our labs can test it. From micro-hardness testing and electron microscopy to ultimate strength testing of high-strength bolts, TEI's labs have the equipment and personnel to get the job done. Accredited by IAS, AASHTO, the City of Los Angeles, the State of Florida, and with Report Acceptance by ICC-ES (formerly ICBO), the labs at Testing Engineers are capable and qualified to fulfill your needs.
Here are some of the tests we perform:
- Dimension Stone Testing
- Soils / Aggregate Density Determination
- Sieve Analysis on Soils / Aggregates
- Aggregate Durability Testing
- Asphaltic Concrete -- - Asphalt Content
- Asphaltic Concrete – Density Determination
- Window Testing and Water Infiltration Services
- Equipment Capabilities: Tension and compression up to 400,000 lbs.
- Macro Hardness Testing: Laboratory and portable – Rockwell regular and superficial and Brinell (ASTM A370, E718, F606, E10, E110, E1842
- Tensile Testing: Weld Tensile, Machined Specimens (full and sub-size), Reinforcing Steel, Castings, Bolts, Post Tension Cables (AWS, ASME, API, ASTM, A370, E18)
- Charpy Impact Testing: Full and sub-size reduced temperature, Weld, HAZ, Base Material (ASTM E23)
- Bend Testing: Welds, Material Conformance (AWS, ASME, API, ASTM, A370, E190, D522)
- High Strength Bolt Testing: Proof-Load, Axial Wedge Tension Tests, Rotational Capacity (ASTM A370, F606, A325, F436, B564, A490, A194)
- Macro Etching: Weld Evaluation, Material Characteristics (AWS, ASME, API, ASTM E340)
- Micro Etching: Metallographic Preparation and Photo Micrographs, Material Characteristics, Grain Size, Ferrite Determination, etc. (ASTM E3, E112, E883)
- Polymeric Mechanical Testing: Tensile, Compression Flexural, Stress vs. Strain, FRP Tensiles, Durometer (ASTM D3039, D2240)
- Paints and Coatings: Thickness Determination (nondestructive magnetic and destructive), Cross Hatch Adhesion, Pull-off Strength (ASTM A90, A153, B965), Abrasion resistance (ASTM C1353).
- Toys and Product Conformance: Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Slip and Fall: Coefficient of Friction (ASTM C1028, ASTM C2047, ANSI A137.1)
- Weld Procedure & Welder Qualification: Consult and Certify (AWS, ASME, API, AWWA, Military Standards, etc.)
- Fastener Testing: Nails, Screws, Staples – dimensional, tensile, lateral resistance (shear), withdrawal, bending yield strength, ductility, coating (AC116, AC118), AC120, AC201, F1667, A153, A90, D1761, AISI TS-4-002 & TS-5-02
- ICC-ES: Product Testing for Code Submittal (various products)
- Underground Utility Vaults: ASHTO 10 & 20, Western Underground
- Hydraulic Ram: Load Verification
- Braze Procedure & Brazer Qualification: Consult and Certify (AWS, ASME, API, AWWA, Military Standards, etc.)
- Failure Analysis: Root Cause Analysis
- Corrosion Testing: (ASTM A262, G28, G48)
- Flexural Testing & Modulus of Rupture: (ASTM D3790, C78, C293, D4476, C1161)
- Depth of Case Decarburization: (ASTM E1077, B934, B931, SAE J432)
- Shore Hardness: Rubber and Plastics (ASTM D2240)
